15 Mind Boggling Pictures You Will Have To Look At Twice To Get

Dangerous Dad and mom

What is that this mum or dad doing holding his toddler little one up over a ledge!? That could be a textbook case of kid endangerment and we will solely hope that somebody reported this man and the state intervenes to take this little one away! Wait a minute, that is embarrassing, we could have jumped the gun there. For those who have a look at the image once more, you’ll notice that this little one was by no means in any hazard. That’s as a result of the kid wasn’t being held over a ledge and that practice station is definitely a toy practice station. For those who look behind the image you’ll see that the angle is off and that there’s a glass dome that covers the entire space. It seems that the newborn is definitely simply being held over a flat floor taking a look at a practice set. We positive are glad we didn’t leap to conclusions on this one.

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