15 Most Embarrassing Celebrity Moments in Recent History

14. Warren Beatty’s Greatest Image Oscars mix-up

15 Most Embarrassing Celebrity Moments in Recent History

Nobody might have seen this one coming. On the 2017 Oscars, Bonnie and Clyde stars Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty offered the ultimate award of the evening for Greatest Image. Dunaway introduced La La Land because the winner, as was anticipated. The solid took the stage, and speeches got.

However then chaos ensued. It was introduced that Moonlight had really gained. Everybody regarded round in disbelief, however the solid of that movie then took the stage, and Warren Beatty defined: He had been given the flawed envelope. Particulars unfurled over the approaching days, and Beatty actually wasn’t responsible, however in the second, he was embarrassed.

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