30 Times People Spotted Total Jerks During The Coronavirus Crisis And Shamed Them Online

6. The More You Take, The Less There Is For Everyone Else

Dogen reiterated that it’s vital that people don’t give in to price gouging. “Price gouging is a pure indication of panic buying. If you do not panic buy, then you will not succumb to paying inflated prices. People who price gouge during a global pandemic should be fined and banned from reselling things online again. Instead of price gouging, they should be doing something to help their fellow brothers and sisters.”

He also mentioned that price gouging is nothing new during times of distress. “Price gouging happened during the 2008–2009 financial crisis, after many devastating storms, and other tragedies.”

“I understand the desire to profit to take care of your own finances, but when there is a large tragedy, it is incumbent on all of us to step up and help each other out.”

7. Which One Are You?

There are 2 types of people in the world

Mom Threatens To Punch Breastfeeding Women And Their Babies, Receives Major Backlash And Even Loses Her Job

30 People Who Deeply Regret Shopping Online