30 Times People Spotted Total Jerks During The Coronavirus Crisis And Shamed Them Online

8. Seriously…

My co-worker has been coming into office because he feels “fine” and shows no symptom. Now my senior manager still want to have all hands meeting where bunch of people (+20) crammed into conference room to discuss telecommuting plan.

Update: Now my a-hole manager wants doctor’s note if you are calling in sick. If employees are self quarantining for any suspicious symptoms, last thing you want to do is go outside to get a [frikinn] doctor’s note!

9. Whoever You Are, [Screw] You!

CBS4 found out about an underground scalper and gouger network in Denver that resells personal hygiene products at greatly increased prices. One of these men was selling packages of (yup, you guessed it) toilet paper for 4 to 5 dollars per 4-pack on Craigslist. Even though they cost around 1 dollar per pack in stores.

“If you want more, it will be gone by tomorrow,” the man told undercover CBS4 reporters when he met them. According to the scalper, he’s been making good money and sold around 100 rolls already. When the man realized that he was being filmed, he refused to talk to the reporters further.online.

The undercover reporters met another man who sold 4 to 5 dollar-worth bottles of hand sanitizer for 20 dollars each. He explained that most of his customers are worried about the coronavirus.

“I just wanted to cash in and make a few bucks,” he said. Fortunately, in this case, the man realized that he was acting wrong, returned the money, and reduced the cost of his products to their usual price.

In the US, over 30 states have laws that make it illegal for people to price gouge during a state of emergency or a disaster. However, other states, like Colorado, don’t have such restrictions.

Which makes it easy for jerks to hoard supplies and then resell them for people who are in panic-mode. The good news is, the majority of folks are fighting back, even if, for now, it mostly means shaming these jerks

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