43 Of The Funniest Examples Of Awful Taste But Great Execution (New Pics)

Some ideas are better left as ideas. Whatever your mom, dear friend, or significant other says, that bag you saw the other day on Etsy that looks like you’re carrying a knife, is bad, a very bad idea.

There’s an online group called Awful Taste But Great Execution dedicated entirely to the gaudy, tacky, tasteless, overdone, plain trashy side of product design. But there’s one but. The execution may be, in fact, pretty alright. “For everything that displays quality craftsmanship in the least elegant way possible,” states the subreddit’s description. And 1.4 million members seem to be totally up for it.

Brasilian Ad For Condoms

43 Of The Funniest Examples Of Awful Taste But Great Execution (New Pics)

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