Here’s What Cleopatra And Other Historical Figures Would Look Like Today (18 New Pics)

My name is Becca Saladin and I work full-time as a graphic designer. I started creating these images of reimagined historical figures as a hobby a little over a year ago. Here’s my previous post from the Royalty Now series.

As a child, I would always be sketching and painting. My mom would do art and science projects with me, and both of my parents would read a lot to me, which sparked my interest in history as well. The first book my dad read to me about history was a fictionalized young adult version of the Anne Boleyn story. I became obsessed with Tudor’s history after that. I also loved Pompeii, ancient Egyptian mummies, and anything else that helped me feel close to the people of the past. I think that is why I enjoy making the recreations so much.

The idea for this specific style of art that I do now began when I was looking at a portrait of Anne Boleyn, thinking about how she might look today since she doesn’t look very lifelike in the portraits we have of her. I saw someone else on Reddit try something similar with Tudor wives and I’d seen the recreations of Roman statues. I’ve always loved Photoshop and what a powerful tool it is, so I decided to try and recreate some of my own and then just kept going.

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