These 30 Women Who Ditched Dyeing Their Hair Look So Good, They May Convince You To Do The Same


“My grays started showing in my late teens, probably a Mallon streak as it was jet black everywhere else. Over time, it’s blended in more with the rest of the grays. I’ve never dyed it to cover or hide it. The curls are all natural too. I’m so excited to see more and more silver sisters everywhere I go!”


“For years I had a hair stylist who would talk me out of growing out my gray; every single time. I had to make the decision on my own, and could even hear her voice in the back of my head telling me not to. That voice made it harder in the early stages. I constantly doubted myself and could hear her echo. Then I found Gaby. She’s been with me for a few years now, taming my mane. She not only supports my decision, but she makes me feel even more confident and beautiful every time I leave her chair. Today she was even telling me about all these other Grombre girls she started following on IG so she cheer them on. Gaby, by the way, doesn’t have a gray hair in sight. She’s simply just SUPPORTIVE. No agenda. No personal reflections. Just supportive. Find your Gaby. Find her early. Find your supportive hair stylist. Find your hair therapist. You deserve it. It makes a difference.”

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