These 30 Women Who Ditched Dyeing Their Hair Look So Good, They May Convince You To Do The Same


“I was destined to gray at a young age and I couldn’t wait. And when it made its debut while I was in high school, it arrived in the most unique way. A grey spot at the front center of my head. Not a gray strand anywhere else on my head. I loved it!

Only two people in my family prior to me had grayed in this way, my maternal relatives, my grandfather and my uncle. It was something that the three of us shared for the longest time. I had inherited this gene. I wore it like a crown. I was proud to represent the third generation of Jones’, my mother’s maiden name. To me it was a badge of honor, it was natural and it was beautiful. Hiding it was not an option.
Growing up I was told that having gray hair was a sign of wisdom. Always believing that I was an old soul, I embraced this notion and my hair even more. Today many men and women applaud me for ‘being brave enough’ to embrace my gray. Bravery had nothing to do with it. My signature look connects me to my family.
I get compliments on my hair from both men and women. Women will compliment and add, ‘My hair looks just like yours; but I can’t bring myself to wear it that way.’ What I’ve recently noticed is that many more women are wearing it this way. Even women who aren’t naturally gray. Gray hair is currently trending as “sexy”. Many non-gray young women are dying their hair gray in the name of fashion. I’ve even been asked if I dyed my hair to look like it does. With a smile I proudly respond, ‘No.’ I then add that my gray hairs are ‘Heavenly highlights compliments of God.’ ”


“I started to grow out my pixie cut in 2012 and decided to quit coloring my hair. The grey is still coming in, but I like it. The grey started in my early 30’s, it can be unruly at times, but with the right amount of wind, it looks like a flowing mane.”

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