These 30 Women Who Ditched Dyeing Their Hair Look So Good, They May Convince You To Do The Same


“I’ve inherited this gorgeous slivers of silver from my father as it goes back generations in our family where the process of going grey started at 18. I’ve battled hair dyes for years and bounce around from color to color as if ashamed of this beautiful gift I was given. It doesn’t help that some of my dearest friends are hair stylists but they allow me to grieve my father’s loss by never pressuring to cover it. This is 3 months growth from (feb to April 2019).”

In a previous interview with Bored Panda, the founder of the Grombre Instagram account Martha Truslow Smith explained how she wanted to create a platform of support and positive emotions for those women who think there’s no shame in embracing who you are.

“The underlying reason I started Grombre was to start a different dialogue around gray hair on women and find the answer to some earnest questions of my own: “Is it true that my gray hair is ugly, makes me look old, and means I’m no longer good enough?” the founder of Grombre spoke with Bored Panda. “I’m only in my twenties. If that is true, how will I feel and what will I believe about myself when I’m in my 40s, 50s, 60s?” I want to challenge the way we think about what we consider “beautiful,” and why, and propose that we have more important things to spend our precious time, energy and resources on if we find our hearts aren’t aligning with the things we find to be someone else’s biases.”


“I started going gray at 19 but always colored my hair- especially when I was cosmetology school and working as a hairstylist for 6 years. I’ve had every hair color in the book. I used to give my mother (who is naturally a striking white/ silver, and has never colored her hair) a hard time about her natural silver. As a hairstylist, I found myself loving and drooling over naturally silver hair. Eventually I started encouraging and helping my clients grow out their natural silver. I started noticing how people looked at my mom and her striking white hair when she walked into a room. People constantly told me my mom is so beautiful. I decided I wanted to grow mine out, too. I get more compliments about my natural silver hair now than I ever did when I abused it with harsh chemicals and I’m excited to be part of a sisterhood and movement that’s au naturale!!”

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