These Rare Discoveries Show Us The Other Story That Our History Books Never Did

King Tutankhamun Wore Fashionable And Royal Sandals

These Rare Discoveries Show Us The Other Story That Our History Books Never Did
When individuals discuss historic Egypt, the primary issues that come to thoughts would most likely be mummies and pyramids. Whereas they had been necessary facets of the tradition, there’s extra to that interval than that. The sandals worn by King Tut present that Historic Egyptians had been loads like us than we thought. They didn’t solely put on footwear just like what we use, however they had been additionally very excited by trend. Historic footwear knowledgeable André Veldmeije defined, “When footwear is mentioned in general books if at all, it is usually noted that sandals were flimsy and most people were barefoot all the time. Moreover, they say there were only a few types of sandals. This is a misconception, probably based on artistic depictions alone. The variety of footwear is much greater than imagery suggests and even includes shoes that are never depicted; we only know them from the archaeological record.”

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