These Rare Discoveries Show Us The Other Story That Our History Books Never Did

Leon Panetta Supplied To Open A $10,000 Bottle Of Wine For Osama Bin Laden’s Head

These Rare Discoveries Show Us The Other Story That Our History Books Never Did
After the horrible occasions that went down on September 11, 2001, Osama Bin Landen was thought-about public enemy quantity one of many West. Everybody wished to find the Taliban ringleader and enact justice to revive the dignity of the nation. We all know that there was at the very least one restaurateur who put a bounty on his head. Ted Balestreri of California jokingly stated that he would open his 141-year-old Chateau Lafite Rothschild bottle with the US Secretary of Protection in the event that they contributed to the demise or seize of the terrorist. After Bin Laden was taken down in 2011, the restaurateur stated that it might be his honor to uncork the bottle as a part of the celebration.

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