These Rare Discoveries Show Us The Other Story That Our History Books Never Did

Ladder 3 Was Driven By First Responders During 9/11

These Rare Discoveries Show Us The Other Story That Our History Books Never Did
First responders during the World Trade Center attacks on September 11, 2001, charged into the disarray and chaos of that tragic morning. A lot of them did not make it out of there. There is now a piece of equipment standing as a monument to the courage they displayed: Ladder 3. Captain Patrick Brown and firefighters drove it, but they did not survive when the North Tower fell on the front of the truck. That part of the vehicle had been ripped off as the structure collapsed and had been left to fester in the mess. After cleaning up that area, that truck was put in a hangar at the JFK International Airport but was later relocated to the Memorial Museum in 2011.

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