These Rare Discoveries Show Us The Other Story That Our History Books Never Did

Holy Roman Emperor Maximillian I Wore Armored Gloves Until His Death

These Rare Discoveries Show Us The Other Story That Our History Books Never Did
These gauntlets were worn by Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I. They are a type of glove donned by knights and soldiers from different parts of the world during the Middle Ages. The metal gloves kept their forearms and hands safe, which was important as they are vulnerable in melee combat. There are different types of gauntlets, but these might be the most beautiful ones we have ever seen. These “war gloves” were made of leather, iron, or chain mail. This specific pair had been reportedly used by Maximillian I until he died in 1519. Did he wear them all the time or ever “threw down the gauntlet”? We do not know the answer to that one just yet.

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