These Rare Discoveries Show Us The Other Story That Our History Books Never Did

This Unbelievable Watch Was Made For Marie Antoinette

These Rare Discoveries Show Us The Other Story That Our History Books Never Did
That is actually a pocket watch befitting of a Queen. The ornate watch had been commissioned by a thriller suitor of Marie Antoinette in 1783. They didn’t lower corners since they used gold as an alternative of lesser metals. Total, it will need to have price him over $30 million! The attractive watch even got here with a leaping hour hand, full calendar, 823 elements, and 23 issues. Contemplating this stuff, it’s thought-about to be the fifth most intricate watch in historical past. The tragic half is that the recipient didn’t even obtain the watch as a result of it was solely accomplished in 1827. That was 34 years after she had been guillotined!

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